Red Bull Solo Q arrives in Serbia to give all fans of eSports and video games League Of Legends an incredible opportunity to represent their country in the world finals.
The call for qualifications is officially open today and will gather 256 players every Saturday, starting from June 20 until August 8th. After the online qualifications, the national finals await us, which will be held in cooperation with Fortuna eSports as part of the then current Esports Balkan League (EBL).
Applications are open to all citizens of the Republic of Serbia who are over 16 years old and do not engage in professional gaming. Last year’s Red Bull Player One gathered as many as 25,000 amateur players from 29 countries in the fight for the world throne, and Serbia was brilliantly represented by Igor Ognjenović (Flying Dutchman), reaching the Top 8 and on the way to the title he was stopped by the future champion, Canadian Jumong. And this time, the tournament brings a classic 1 on 1 duel, the rules are simple – the first player to reach 100 cs, knock down a tower or The winner of the national finals will be placed in the regional or world finals, and for those who do not use the first chance, additional international online qualifications will be organized as a “last chance” option.
Also, in partnership with League of Legends Global Esports Events , the winner of the Red Bull Solo Q will get a chance to be a part of the 2020 League of Legends All-Star event! trimmers and attends exclusive parties. For current information on qualifications, rules and other details CLICK HERE.